Percy Cayetano Acuña Vigil

Pagina organizada por Percy Cayetano Acuna Vigil, esta dedicada a temas de informacion y de discusion del urbanismo, el planeamiento y la arquitectura, enmarcados por mi vision de la filosofia politica.

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Lecciones de un discurso memorable: Barack Obama.


Lecciones de un discurso memorable.

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday set forth an ambitious vision for America’s future but conceded his own failure to heal the political divisions holding back progress, calling it a lasting disappointment of his tenure.

In a prime-time televised speech that avoided the usual litany of policy prescriptions, Mr. Obama used his final State of the Union address to paint a hopeful portrait of the nation after seven years of his leadership, with a resurgent economy and better standing in the world despite inequality at home and terrorism abroad.

But Mr. Obama, who campaigned for president on promises of hope and change, and vowed when he took office to transform Washington and politics itself, accepted responsibility for falling far short of that goal.

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Discurso que le cambio la vida a Obama