Percy Cayetano Acuña Vigil

Pagina organizada por Percy Cayetano Acuna Vigil, esta dedicada a temas de informacion y de discusion del urbanismo, el planeamiento y la arquitectura, enmarcados por mi vision de la filosofia politica.

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THE IRAK - ISIS conflict

El Kurdistan una región emergente

¿Porqué esta región es tan importante?

Los Kurdos forman un frente contra los yihadistas. 23.08.2014

The Irak-ISIS conflict Maps, Photos and Video. A visual Guide to the crisis Irak and Syria

NYT: August 20, 2014

Having occupied crucial sections of Syria over the past year and more recently seizing vast areas of Iraq, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria controls territory greater than many countries and now rivals Al Qaeda as the world’s most powerful jihadist group.

Iraqis Driven From Their Homes by ISIS

Published August 14

The United Nations estimates that militants with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have forced nearly 180,000 families — or more than a million people — from their homes in Iraq. The exodus roughly breaks down into three phases.

U.S. Strikes Militants Near Erbil

Published August 8

American jets attacked mobile artillery vehicles that had been shelling Kurdish targets in Erbil, the capital of Iraq's Kurdistan region. The city has boomed since the American-led invasion of Iraq. It is home to a growing expatriate community of investment consultants and oil executives, as well as to an American consulate. Related article »

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